Public relations is an essential and vital aspect of the music program. It is not a job to be relegated to someone else, or performed only in the teacher's spare time. If a student is chosen to assist you, it is important that they can handle the job, and you can handle them.
Proper timing is important in the presenting of publicity. A public relations calendar set up at the beginning of the year will enable the teacher to have several items before the public at regular intervals throughout the year.
Press Releases / Bulletin Announcements
Releases pertaining to the music groups should pass through the hands of the director who will in most instances need to edit and sometimes rewrite the material.
Written copy should be easily understood and to the point. It should
be done on standard size paper, with double or triple spacing and
wide margins and in a clean font, as in this paragraph. The first page
of the release should begin about one third of the way down the page
so that there is room at the top for editors or broadcasters to make
notations as to headlines, size of type, timings, etc. Print publications
might also appreciate copy being submitted on a disc, along with
hard copy.
If pictures are submitted they should be preferably vertical and be sharp and glossy, with maximum contrast. They should be fully identified, with notations on an accompanying sheet or on an attached post-it. At no time should pictures and/or releases of more than one page be attached with staples or paper clips. Each separate release with accompanying pictures should be submitted to the appropriate news agency in a separate envelope.
Concert Publicity
Public relations will mostly revolve around the giving of programs. The successful teacher realizes that excellent programs do not just happen but are planned to the smallest detail. Factors such as type of audience, length of program, encores, solos, printed programs, and others are important.
Intensive publicity for the concert should start early:
Posters should be to the point and have eye-catching graphics and copy that can be seen easily from a distance. Avoid putting much more on the poster other than what, where, and when. The most eye-catching combination of colors is bright yellow paper (ultra lemon) with vibrant blue lettering. Although standard sized paper (8 1/2 X 11) can be effective, ledger size paper (twice as large) is better and can be run through a copier.
Placement of posters is critical. They should be at eye level and as near entrances as possible. Placement of posters on glass doors is usually not allowed.
All of the detail discussed is vital, but the most significant detail is the performance. All the publicity, all the efforts expended in-stage settings, and all the planning made for a smooth program progression will not substitute for a polished performance.
An outstanding program is
the best publicity you can generate!