Thomas Dombrowski
Tom Dombrosky,
a pastor in the Southern New England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists for
the past thirteen years, is also a versatile musician. He graduated from
Arizona State University in 1988 with a BA in music education. Primarily a
guitarist, he is also proficient on trombone and piano.
After teaching guitar in the
Tempe, Arizona, Union High School District for four years, Dombrowski
felt a call to return to school and become a pastor. He completed an M.Div. at Andrews University in 1995 and then accepted a
pastorate in Connecticut.
He graduated with a D.Min. from Gordon-Cornwall
Theological Seminary in May 2008. The title of his dissertation was Christ-Centered
Worship: Developing a Motif for Expository Sermons in the Book of Revelation Beyond Chapter Three.
Information provided by Thomas Dombrowski, 20 March
2009; Online listing of dissertation (book) 2008.