Ian Irvine


Ian Irvine is currently enrolled as a Ph.D. candidate at The University of Newcastle in Australia. Prior to his study there, he was Consultant in Music to the New South Wales Department of Education, Director of Music at Barker College, Head of Music at Avondale College, and Director of Music at Grammar School Victoria.

As Consultant in Music, Irvine visited first-year music teachers in schools in N.S.W., organized music camps and performances in the Sydney Opera House, participated in syllabus committees, and administered Higher School Certificate music examinations. Under his leadership at Baker College, the music department's growth led to the construction of a multi-million dollar music building.

While serving at Avondale College from 1991 through 1997, Irvine directed the Avondale Singers and taught music theory and music education classes. He also led out in the review and restructuring of its B.A. teaching programs.

Irvine graduated from the Sydney Conservatorium with a Dip.Mus.Ed. in 1971 and an M.Mus. in 1993. He also completed a B.A. in philosophy at Macquarie University in 1984. In his Ph.D. study, he is researching the psychology of music composition. He describes his research as that which "includes the cognitive, metacognitive, and affective aspects of musical composition; individual differences in learning to compose music; developmental aspects of learning to compose music, assessment of music and curriculum development for music." 


Source: University of Newcastle website biography, 2008.



R. Cantwell, R., Jeanneret, N., Sullivan, Y., & Irvine, I. (2000), A metacognitive account of musical knowledge and musical processing. In John Sloboda et al (eds.) Proceedings of the ICMP Conference, Keele University, UK.

Irvine, I. (1998). Learning, assessment and music composition. Sounds Australian, December.

Irvine, I. (2003). A personal journey of differential engagement: Coming to terms with the meaning of "doctorate." In Robert Cantwell (ed) Proceedings of the Conference on Doctoral Study in the Creative Arts, Newcastle, Australia.

Irvine, I., & Strahan, B. (1997). Creativity and the construction of self: Implications for music. In Edward Gifford et al (eds.) Conference proceedings of the Australian Society for Music Education: "New Sounds for a New Century", The University of Queensland, Brisbane. 4th-8th July 1997.

Irvine, I., Cantwell, R., & Jeanneret, N. (1999). Musical composition: Toward a theoretical model. In Neryl Jeanneret and Kathy Marsh (eds.) Opening the Umbrella: An Encompassing view of Music, Conference proceedings of the Australian Society for Music Education, University of Sydney.

Irvine, I., Cantwell, R., & Jeanneret, N. (1999). Individual differences in processing behaviours of seven composers engaged in musical composition. In Proceedings of the Australian Association for Research in Education, Annual Conference, Melbourne.

Irvine, I., Cantwell, R., & Jeanneret, N. (2001). The role of regulation and depth of processing on musical composition. In Jennifer Rosevear and Warren Bourne (eds.) XIII National Conference, Australian Society for Music Education, Adelaide University, South Australia.

Irvine, I., Cantwell, R., & Jeanneret, N. (2003a). Accessing strategic knowledge. Victorian Journal of Music Education, 8, 14.

Irvine, I., Cantwell, R., & Jeanneret, N. (2003b). Individual differences in strategic control in music composition. In Kay Hartwig (ed) in Artistic Practice as Research, Proceedings of the XXV Australian Association for Researcher in Music Education, Griffith University; Queensland.

Irvine, I., Cantwell, R., & Jeanneret, N. (2003c). Strategic control in music composition. In M Lucia, A. Andreuzza, B. Arfe & L. Del Favero (eds.), Abstracts of the 10th Biennial EARLI Conference: Improving learning, fostering the will to learn. Paper presented as part of a symposium (R. Cantwell convenor), The strategic control of learning: Measurement and applications, Padova, Italy, 26-30th August, 2003.

Irvine, I., Jeanneret, N., & Cantwell, R. (2005). A methodology for representing the regulation of the composing process. In David Forrest (ed) Proceedings of the ASME conference, Melbourne.