Feryl E. Moorhouse Harris
1941 -
Feryl Harris is a Bible instructor, singer, poet, and composer who served the Mountain View SDA Conference in West Virginia as Director of Sabbath School, Children's and Women's ministries, and Trust Services Department for many years. She now resides in Honolulu, Hawaii, where she is Director of Children's Ministries and Trust Services in that conference.
A native of Massachusetts, Feryl married Mahlon F. Harris, who is from Vermont. He is a radiologic X-ray technologist who studied at the New England Sanitarium and Loma Linda University. She attended La Sierra College, now University, and West Virginia University in Parkersburg, West Virginia. They have two daughters, Sherylin and Liesl, and five grandchildren.
Harris enjoys writing, singing, composing music, and reading. She was a soloist for the Chinese Voice of Prophecy while she and her husband lived in Taiwan in the 1970s.
Most of her music has been written for children's ministries needs. She wrote the theme song for the Adventist Children's Ministries Association, for a Vacation Bible School program produced by Review & Herald Publishing, and the song for the Multi-Generational Children's Church resource.
Harris contributed to 99 New Songs, a songbook edited by Evelyn Pursley Kopitzke that was released in 2003.
Sources: Far Eastern Outlook, April 1975, 3; Columbia Union Visitor, 15 May 1994, 50; 99 New Songs, biography (2003); Hawaii Conference website, 2012; Other online sources.
Music by Feryl Harris
A Partial Listing
Children’s Songs
Open Hands, Open Hearts
The Earthmaker Can
That's G-R-A-C-E
Growing Kids for Jesus
Your Hands, My Hands
His Church Triumphant