Barbara Maude Knox-Albertsworth
1892 -
Barbara Knox-Albertsworth taught harmony and history of music at Washington Missionary College, now Washington Adventist University, in the 1915-19 school years. She was the only child of Barbara Bell Childs and Walter Tingley Knox, a highly regarded administrator in the church who served as president of what is now known as the Pacific Union Conference and as treasurer of the General Conference from 1909 to 1922. He also was chairman of the WMC board for many years.
Her husband, Edwin Franklin Albertsworth, was a highly regarded teacher at WMC during the time she was there. He completed a Ph.D. while there, became an attorney, and then taught and practiced law in Chicago. They subsequently settled in Los Altos Hills, California, where he became a distinguished attorney and a university professor. It appears that she was not professionally active in music after leaving Washington, D.C.
Sources: Washington Missionary College Sligonian, 20 March 1919; R&H 17 December 1931, 21; 21 May 1953; 29 March 1973; U.S. Census Records; Faculty listings from Hail Columbia, an unpublished history of Washington Missionary College prepared by Theofield G. Weis, 1944-46.